Get Rid Of Yellow Teeth With These Simple Steps

Get Rid Of Yellow Teeth With These Simple Steps

Who doesn’t dream of having pearly white teeth? Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to have a perfect smile. Teeth discoloration can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, smoking, and the foods and beverages you consume.

However, in this article, we are going to give you a reason to flaunt your smile by offering you tips to help you get rid of yellow teeth.

Whitening Strips

Whitening strips can give you the bright smile you desire. They are very easy to use and don’t require the assistance of a dentist.

You apply them to your teeth for a few minutes every day for a week or more.

Many people love this option because it’s affordable and easy to use, and you can also get it anywhere over the counter.  

However, instructions may vary, so follow the steps provided on the package.

These strips will make your teeth one or two shades lighter, and you will notice results after a few days. Depending on the product, the effects can last up to a year.

Whitening Kits

If you’re wondering how to get rid of yellow teeth in a way that’s really effective, a whitening kit might be the best option for you. This product is stronger than strips and will get rid of deep stains. 

These kits are gel-based, and you can find them in any drugstore.

Depending on the kit, you either apply the gel to the teeth using a brush or you wear a tray (which contains the gel) for 30 minutes every day for a week or more.

Make sure that you choose a kit with only 10% carbamide peroxide, as that is the recommended dosage.

Whitening Toothpaste

Next time you buy toothpaste, choose one that has the word “whitening” on the package.

Whitening toothpaste is better than its standard counterpart because it contains ingredients that help remove stains from your teeth. If you brush your teeth twice a day using teeth whitening toothpaste, you will notice a difference in a few weeks.

This option might be a bit slower than the rest, but it’s something you can consistently do to make sure that your teeth don’t become stained again, especially if you’re an avid smoker or love to drink coffee.

Whitening Mouthwash

Another solution for yellow teeth is whitening mouthwash.

Just like whitening toothpaste, this type of mouthwash also contains ingredients that can brighten yellow teeth.

To get rid of tooth discoloration, rinse your mouth twice every day for one minute.

Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional Teeth Whitening
Professional Teeth Whitening

Getting your teeth whitened by a dentist is the safest and quickest way to get the smile you are looking for.

However, this procedure is more expensive than the previous treatments mentioned above.

Your teeth may simply require cleaning to remove tartar and plaque. In some cases, this can be enough to brighten them.

However, if you aren’t satisfied with the results, the dentist will perform a whitening procedure.

They will use a very strong bleaching agent, which will provide you with fast results.

Get Dental Veneers

Have you ever looked at your favorite celebrity and admired their flawless grin?

Dental veneers also referred to as “the Hollywood smile,” is a cosmetic procedure where a dental professional attaches a porcelain material to the surface of your teeth, concealing any defects. 

They are a long-term solution since they can last up to 20 years. Although porcelain veneers are stain-resistant, you should still practice proper oral hygiene.

Use Baking Soda

If you prefer natural home remedies, then you should give baking soda a try.

Baking soda is a common toothpaste ingredient thanks to its whitening properties.

You will need a teaspoon of baking soda and two teaspoons of water. Mix them together and brush your teeth twice a week.

This solution will not work as quickly as some of the other remedies discussed above, but if you are patient, you will notice a difference over time.

Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an Indian folk remedy that you can try in the comfort of your own home.

Swishing oil in your mouth will reduce plaque, which is one of the common reasons behind tooth discoloration. Just make sure to use high-quality organic oil. 

You’ll discover that coconut oil is a preferred alternative due to its health benefits and pleasant taste.

Swish one or two teaspoons of liquid oil in your mouth for about 10 to 30 minutes. After you are done, rinse your mouth and drink a glass of water. Don’t swallow the oil or let it come in contact with your throat.

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal can also help remove stains to give you a brighter smile.

This type of charcoal is safe since it is designed specifically for medical use. You can either brush your teeth with it, apply it directly, or rinse your teeth by mixing the activated charcoal with water. 

However, you should be careful because it can be harsh on the gums.

When shopping for toothpaste and mouthwash, choose ones with activated charcoal. Make sure you read up more on the effects of activated charcoal because it does have its pros and cons. 

Protect Your Teeth

Teeth become yellow for a reason, and if you whiten them but continue practicing certain habits, they will become yellow again.

For this reason, you need to quit smoking and avoid foods and drinks that cause teeth stains, like beets, blueberries, wine, and coffee. 

If you can’t avoid consuming certain foods or drinks, wash your teeth shortly afterward. If you’re dining outside at a restaurant, rinse your mouth with water.

You should also practice proper oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing, using mouthwash, and seeing your dentist at least twice a year.

There are many things that can cause teeth discoloration, some are beyond our control like aging and genetics, while others are the results of bad lifestyle choices like smoking. 

Whatever the reason behind your yellow teeth, you will find a solution in this article.

After achieving the bright smile you have always desired, practice good oral hygiene to ensure your teeth remain white for as long as possible.

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