Is Tea Tree Oil Good for Steaming Your Face?

Is Tea Tree Oil Good for Steaming Your Face?

Tea tree oil is one of the best essential oils to include in a steam facial. It is especially good for treating acne.

The combination of both steam and tea tree oil provides a soothing, fragrant experience that stimulates your skin’s circulation and speeds the healing of blemishes.

Aside from giving you glowing skin without irritation, the steam helps open your pores, while the tea tree oil disinfects and cleanses them. The result is a clear complexion.

What is Tea Tree Oil?

Tea tree oil is distilled from the steamed leaves of an Australian plant known as the Melaleuca. It has a strong, sharp camphor-like smell that is antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral.

Aside from healing and rejuvenating the skin, essential oil from the Tea Tree is also used to treat coughs and colds.

What Does Tea Tree Oil Do to Your Face?

Steaming your face with tea tree oil has several great benefits, including:

  1. Stimulating circulation to accelerate healing and give you a healthy glow.
  2. Acting as an antifungal agent to prevent breakouts.
  3. Sanitizing the skin to rid it of pimples, blackheads, and acne.
  4. Acting as an astringent to shrink facial pores and tone the complexion.
  5. Stripping dead skin cells to reveal glowing new skin.
  6. Encouraging elastin and collagen development for a youthful look.
  7. Nourishing the skin with bioactive compounds to promote firm skin.

How to Do A Tea Tree Steam Facial

It is quite easy to do a tea tree oil facial steaming at home. All you need is a large shallow pot or bowl, boiling water, and tea tree oil.

This face steam treatment has two main therapeutic components that are readily accessible to most people: the steam and the tea tree oil.

The only other item you will need is a light, clean white towel to drape over your head during the steaming process.


The steam component of this essential oil facial widens your skin’s pores and causes you to sweat. This softens pores clogged with excess oil and helps to eliminate impurities.

This cleansing process assists with flushing out the natural oils that occur with natural sebum production and dirt and makeup residue.

Tea Tree Oil

Australian tea tree oil has potent antimicrobial properties. It has a strong antiseptic smell. If you like the smell of oils such as peppermint, camphor, or eucalyptus, you will not mind the smell of tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil is quite powerful, so it is best to use a ceramic or metal bowl for face steaming, as it may dissolve plastic.

Tea Tree Oil Facial Steam Directions

Here are the steps to creating a DIY tea tree oil facial.

  1. Fill up a smaller basin or a large shallow pot or bowl with at least four cups of boiling water.
  2. Wait three or four minutes until the steam rising is no longer scalding.
  3. Add five to ten drops of pure essential tea tree oil.
  4. Place a towel over your head, lean over the bowl, and close your eyes.
  5. Remain in this position for five to ten minutes (or as long as you can stand it.)
  6. Rinse your skin with cool water to close the pores.
  7. Gently pat your skin dry with a paper towel or sanitized cloth towel.

What to Expect After A Steam Session

Your skin may feel very wet and possibly itchy during and after your tea tree oil steam session. This is because tea tree oil is a natural astringent.

It is not unusual for your face to feel a mild stinging sensation for a few minutes. This indicates that the oil’s antibacterial properties are working. Any acne pustules may also be naturally open and exude their contents, which you should gently wipe away from your skin’s surface with a sterile Q-Tip.

As a bonus, your sinuses may clear as a result of inhaling the tea tree oil steam. Blow your nose afterward if you feel the need.

Tea Tree Oil Steam Safety

Here are some safety tips to follow during your tea tree oil face steaming.

  • Do a skin patch test with the tea tree oil first to ensure you are not allergic to it.
  • Wash and rinse your face first before your steaming session.
  • Test the steam in the bowl before placing your face over it to prevent burns.
  • Close your eyes to avoid irritation from tea tree oil fumes during the face steaming.
  • Only use a clean towel to wipe your face to avoid spreading any bacteria.

Other Ways to Use Tea Tree Oil

There are many other ways to use tea tree oil as a healing, clarifying, and toning agent for your skin.

Use Tea Tree Oil As Spot Treatment for Blemishes

To use tea tree oil as a spot treatment for acne or other blemishes, apply a drop to the end of a Q-Tip and dab it gently.

Not only does tea tree oil help to heal acne, but it also reduces the redness and scars left behind by the pustules.

Use Tea Tree Oil After Shaving

Hair removal methods can leave small nicks, cuts, and abrasions on your skin. These tiny injuries can become infected if not treated with an antibacterial agent.

If you nick or abrade your skin during waxing or shaving, use a Q-tip dipped in tea tree oil to dab it directly on the blemish. Do not do this to any cut or abrasion that is open or steal bleeding.

Use Diluted Tea Tree After Waxing

To treat larger areas of skin irritation that may have been caused by waxing, such as the upper lip, chin, or neck, mix 30 drops of tea tree oil in a bowl of lukewarm water. 

Dip a sanitized washcloth in it and ently dab the mixture on the affected areas.

What to Look for When Buying Tea Tree Oil

When shopping for tea tree oil, look for 100% pure and organic brands and not cut with other oils such as rapeseed or coconut oil.

It is not that diluted oils are bad in general, but they could leave a greasy film when you steam your face. The other issue is that a few drops of diluted tea tree essential oil lack the antibacterial qualities of full-strength essential oil.


A facial steaming session with tea tree oil is an effective treatment for acne-prone skin. Its strong antibacterial properties can heal pimples and prevent acne scars.

You can use tea tree oil and steam to treat any skin type, including sensitive skin, oily skin, and mature skin.

However, you don’t need to have a skin condition to enjoy the spa-like experience of a steaming tea tree oil facial. It has the added benefits of toning your pores and giving you a healthy glow.