Home Remedies for Teeth Whitening

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Everyone dreams of having a bright, white smile – but, unfortunately, with age, teeth tend to become yellow. 

There are plenty of teeth whitening products/systems in the market- but they contain chemicals, which can be concerning for some people. 

Therefore, to avoid these chemicals, many people are turning to more natural methods for whitening teeth. 

In this article, we’ll explore 8 home remedies for teeth whitening. These methods are proven to be safe and effective, although caution needs to be maintained over how long we use these methods.

8 Home Remedies to Whiten Teeth 

Let’s explore 8 home remedies to naturally whiten teeth. 

Baking Soda 

Baking soda is a household staple that has a variety of uses, including whitening teeth. It is an ingredient that is often found in toothpaste and whitening products. 

Baking soda is believed to help remove stains from teeth – but you must use it with caution to avoid damaging the enamel on your teeth.

Baking soda is a mild abrasive, which makes it effective for removing stains from your teeth – making them brighter and whiter. Baking soda can be combined with acidic components such as salt, strawberries, vinegar, or lemon juice. 

However, the acids can irritate your gums and/or eat away the calcium on your teeth. 

Oil Pulling 

Oil pulling is a well-known Indian remedy for improving oral hygiene and removing toxins from the body. 

It involves swishing oil around in the mouth to eliminate bacteria. This removes plaque, which is the reason for teeth appearing yellow. 

Traditionally, sunflower or sesame oil is used – but any oil will work. Many people choose to use coconut oil because it provides additional health benefits and has a fairly pleasant flavor. Plus, it’s easy to find. 

Coconut oil is high in lauric acid, which is believed to kill bacteria and alleviate inflammation in the body, as well as reduce plaque buildup- which prevents gingivitis. 

Sesame oil, on the other hand, is believed to decrease Streptococcus Mutans in saliva, which is the bacteria that is primarily responsible for causing plaque buildup. 

Many have reported seeing brighter, whiter teeth when using oil pulling regularly.

Apple Cider Vinegar 

Apple cider vinegar, also known as ACV, has been used for years as both a disinfectant and natural cleanser. The Acetic acid present in ACV is believed to effectively destroy bacteria. 

The antibacterial properties of ACV make it perfect for cleaning your mouth and whitening your teeth. In fact, one study done on cow teeth revealed that ACV has a bleaching effect on pearly whites. 

However, since ACV can erode enamel, you should not use it daily or keep it on your teeth for a long period. 

ACV can be used as a mouthwash, but it must be diluted with water. Swish around in the mouth for a few minutes and rinse with clear water. Following that, brush your teeth with your regular toothpaste or rinse thoroughly. 

The key to whiter teeth using ACV is consistency. For best results, you should use it for at least 1 month.


Chances are you’ve heard the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” The same thing could be said about dentists. 

Apples contain ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), which is good for the health of your teeth. It helps with calcium absorption and eliminates debris and plaque, which means teeth are naturally whitened. 


Some celebrities claim to whiten their teeth with healthy foods like strawberries. 

The beneficial antioxidants/compounds can offer benefits to your teeth- but they’re not the only thing that will keep your teeth looking good. 

The quality of your diet has a significant impact on the health of your teeth (which determines whether they are bright/white or dingy/yellow). 

Some foods can help keep your mouth healthy, such as: 

  • Milk/yogurt
  • Foods rich in magnesium and potassium 
  • Mushrooms 
  • Sweet potatoes 
  • Carrots 
  • Squash 
  • Celery 
  • Nuts


One study indicated that pineapple is a natural whitener for teeth. One study revealed that toothpaste containing bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapples, eliminated tooth stains better than standard toothpaste. 

However, there is, unfortunately, no clear evidence that eating pineapple will help whiten your teeth. 


Though turmeric is known for staining things yellow, it’s also been said that it helps whiten teeth. This is due to the antiseptic, astringent, medicinal, and antimicrobial properties. 

Not only will it help whiten your teeth, but it also helps improve the overall health of your mouth.

Turmeric can be combined with coconut oil to create a solution to whiten teeth. Here’s how: 

  • Combine melted coconut oil with turmeric to create a paste.
  • Before brushing teeth, eating, or drinking, chew a small amount of this paste.
  • Spit it out and ensure to never swallow this mixture.

Xylitol & Cinnamon

Xylitol is a naturally occurring sugar substitute that can be used to prevent dental decay, as it neutralizes the plaque by increasing ammonia levels in the mouth. 

Cinnamon has been used for many years as a way to deal with toothaches, tooth decay, and other dental problems. 

You can combine xylitol with cinnamon, baking soda, essential oils, and bentonite clay to create a paste to use for brushing your teeth daily. 

Preventative Measures for Whitening Teeth 

As we age, our teeth begin to turn yellow. It’s a natural part of the aging process. However, there are a few things that can be done to prevent this, including: 

  • Limit foods/beverages that contribute to stains on your teeth.
  • Limit consumption of sugar.
  • Consume plenty of calcium through natural means (diet, not supplements).
  • Brush teeth after eating/drinking.
  • Drink plenty of water to offset the negative impacts of diet/lifestyle.
  • If you’re a smoker, stop smoking.


Keep in mind that the 8 home remedies mentioned above to whiten teeth are not a substitute for good oral hygiene. 

You always want to stick to a routine of brushing and flossing your teeth- and visit your dentist for a cleaning and exam twice yearly. 

Between good oral hygiene and these home remedies for whitening, you can keep your smile bright and white for years to come.

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