How Often Should You Whiten Your Teeth

How Often Should You Whiten Your Teeth

One of the things that contribute to an individual’s confidence is the whiteness (or lack thereof) of their teeth. 

These days, everything is automated, and most people prefer to start their day with a smile. Therefore, it’s critical to have a bright, white smile. 

However, due to lifestyle choices, most people don’t have this- sometimes it’s because of what they are eating, and sometimes it’s because they’re not taking proper care of their smile. 

On the other hand, some people have no problem with this because exercise good oral hygiene and use whitening products.

However, it can be quite frustrating to maintain a bright, white smile. This is why many dentists recommend whitening treatments from time to time. 

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at a couple of options for whitening teeth, and how often you should be employing these techniques- there is a limit. After all, you don’t want to end up causing permanent damage to your teeth, gums, etc.  

How Often Should Teeth Be Whitened? 

The answer to this question depends on the type of whitening process you plan to be using, and different products have different recommendations. 

Most of them include treatment plans and timetables within their instructions. 

Another factor that determines how often you should whiten your teeth is how stained/yellow they are. If your teeth are in bad shape, you’ll need longer treatment times that include more applications. The key is to pay attention to what the instructions say. 

This will help you determine the best way to achieve the results you desire from the product you are using. Additionally, it helps if you’re aware of what caused your discolored/stained teeth. 

One very critical piece of information to keep in mind is that your teeth are quite fragile and overusing any whitening product can cause damage instead of improvement. 

In this article, we’ll discuss the various whitening options and the recommended time frame.  

Methods for Whitening Teeth 

You might not realize it, but there are lots of options for whitening teeth on the market. Some of those methods are as follows: 

  • Toothpaste
  • Mouthwash 
  • Strips 
  • Gels
  • Powders
  • Pens
  • Trays
  • Light  

Following are some general guidelines for using each one of them: 


Whitening toothpaste is probably the easiest way to maintain. Experts recommend that this method be used 1 to 2 times per week to remove surface stains and keep your teeth from yellowing so much. The rest of the week, you can use your regular toothpaste. 


This is a substance that you use either before or after brushing your teeth. For best results, use once daily for a couple of months. 

Additionally, this mouthwash will give you fresh breath and the cleaning benefits of regular mouthwash. 


Typically, whitening strips need to be applied two times each day for 2 to 3 weeks. Though you will start seeing results within a couple of days, it’s recommended that you continue to use them for the duration of the time period stated by the manufacturer.


When it comes to gels, there are lots of different strengths on the market- ranging from 10 to 16%. You can use these for up to 4 hours, up to 2 times daily. If there are no side effects, you can wear them at night while sleeping. 

Of course, as with strips, you should not use them more than twice daily for up to 14 days for best results. 


Whitening powders need to be applied to teeth for 3 to 5 days, up to 3 minutes at a time. Of course, this is not a strict time frame, but a general one. 

You’ll find that there’s a diverse variety of whitening powders on the market. They vary in the amount of whitening agents incorporated into the powder. Therefore, it’s important that you follow the instructions carefully.  


Once again results vary depending on the severity of the discoloration, as well as how frequently it’s being used. According to the experts, this method of whitening can be used 1 to 2 times/day for up to 2 weeks. 

LED Whitening 

If you are using LED lighting as part of your whitening process, it can be used up to 20 minutes at a time for up three times weekly for up t 21 days. 

Keep in mind that all of the timeframes listed here are loose guidelines. The package instructions will tell exactly how long to do the treatment, and for how many days, weeks, etc. 

Warning Signs to Watch For 

When it comes to whitening teeth, many people become concerned that they may be over-whitening their teeth. Following are 3 indicators that you’re over-whitening your teeth. 

  • Increased tooth sensitivity 
  • Inflamed/bleeding gums 
  • Teeth appear blue/transparent along edges 

If you have any of these issues, stop using the whitener immediately. After all, you don’t want to do permanent damage to your teeth. 

This is why it’s so critical to learn how long and how often you can use the whitening product that you have chosen to work with. 

Tips to Preserve White Teeth after Whitening 

Once you have achieved the results you desire, it’s time to work on preserving that bright, white smile. After all, you put a lot of work into achieving that smile, it’s well worth the effort to maintain your results. 

Keep in mind that the factors originally causing the discoloration will determine maintenance strategies

Following are some of the maintenance guidelines that can help you keep your teeth white. These should become part of your dental hygiene routine. 

Good Oral Hygiene 

This is always one of the most important maintenance procedures. 

  • Brush properly 
  • Floss to avoid buildup of tartar/plaque 
  • Rinse mouth 
  • Use mouthwash 

Stop Smoking 

If you are a smoker, nicotine is likely the cause of your discoloration. The longer you smoke, the more discoloration you will have. 

Research also indicates that those who are exposed to nicotine on a daily basis are likely to develop cavities and tooth loss. 

Use a Straw When Drinking 

While this one may seem a bit strange, research has proven that using a straw, especially when drinking highly acidic beverages such as orange juice, keeps the beverages from coming into contact with teeth. This keeps your teeth from staining. 

Decrease Consumption of Foods/Beverages That Cause Stains

You may not realize the effects that some of the foods/beverages you are consuming have on your teeth. 

If you’ll decrease how much and how often you’re consuming the following- and clean your teeth after consuming them, you may be able to help keep your teeth whiter for longer.  

  • Wine
  • Coffee
  • Tea 
  • Sodas
  • Berries
  • Pomegranates 
  • Sugary snacks 
  • Tomato sauce
  • Curry-based foods 

By avoiding these or brushing your teeth right after, you can keep these from eating away at the enamel and causing damage to your teeth. 

Regular Dental Checkups 

Visit your dentist on a regular basis to have your teeth cleaned and checked for decay, tartar/plaque buildup, and the start of cavities. 

This will help to eradicate bad elements before they take up permanent residence on your teeth. 

This will help you to prolong the results of your whitening procedures. 


As you can see, there are several options for whitening teeth. You should choose the one that you prefer and that you can maintain through the process. 

The length of time and how often you can repeat the treatment depends on the one that you choose- you need to read and follow the directions that come with it. 

After you whiten your teeth, it’s important to practice good dental hygiene to maintain your results. 

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