How to Get Rid of White Spots on Teeth – An Effective Guide

How to Get Rid of White Spots on Teeth - An Effective Guide

Everyone wants to have white teeth as they represent great dental health. People practice different routines and methods to keep their teeth white to have an ideal smile.

However, sometimes small white spots appear on them. These blotches have a different colour than the rest of your tooth. These spots can be a sign of decay, and identifying the cause and getting rid of them is important.

What are the Common Causes of White Spots on Teeth?

White spots on teeth appear due to several reasons, and the following are some of the most common ones.


More often than not, your diet is the biggest culprit that causes white spots on your teeth. 

Eating highly acidic food can damage the outer layer of your teeth, called enamel. Consuming sugar in high amounts can lead to the buildup of acidic plaque, and it can resultantly damage enamel.


While fluoride prevents decay and strengthens your teeth, using it in excess can literally lead to opposite effects, especially in young kids who are still going through tooth development.

According to an NCBI study, fluorosis usually happens when a child consumes too much fluoride during the teeth development period.

Enamel Hypoplasia

Enamel hypoplasia refers to the conditions when you have less enamel on your teeth than normal. It happens because of the mineral loss in your teeth caused by nutritional deficiency. 

Sometimes teeth also become sensitive if you’re suffering from enamel hypoplasia.

Plaque Accumulation

The accumulation of plaque can also lead to white spots on teeth. It usually happens when a person follows poor dental hygiene, such as not flossing and brushing teeth regularly. Wearing braces can also lead to plaque accumulation and white spots.

Sleeping with Open Mouth

Some people have the habit of sleeping with their mouths open. This habit can lead to the dehydration of tooth enamel surface and cause white spots.

The white spots caused by this process are usually temporary and go away after a few hours. However, they can become permanent if a person continues sleeping with their mouth open for a long time.

How to Get Rid of White Spots on Teeth?

How to Get Rid of White Spots on Teeth?
How to Get Rid of White Spots on Teeth?

There are multiple ways to get rid of white spots on teeth. But first, it’s important to identify the cause to choose the right method.

Enamel Microabrasion

Enamel microabrasion can actually help people get rid of white spots formed on teeth. It’s the process of removing enamel from the teeth in a very small amount. It reduces the white spot appearance, but it’s only done when the tooth enamel is healthy.

Usually, professional dentists also perform teeth bleaching after the enamel microabrasion process. It ensures that your teeth have a uniform appearance in color.

Teeth Bleaching or Whitening

Bleaching or whitening teeth can eliminate white spots as well as other stains from teeth. There is a range of teeth bleaching or whitening products that dentists use, such as paste and strips. You can also buy such products to carry out the process yourself.

However, visiting a professional dentist is recommended because a dentist knows better which product is suitable according to your unique situation. They also have stronger whitening solutions than you can buy from over-the-counter.

Topical Fluoride

It’s the best solution for those who are suffering from enamel hypoplasia. Dentists recommend topical fluoride treatment as it encourages enamel development. Additionally, it can also prevent tooth decay.

Dental Veneers

A dental veneer is a protective layer attached to the surface of your teeth. It’s usually made of porcelain, and it can conceal white blotches and other stains efficiently. Only a professional dentist can attach dental veneers, and it’s a little more expensive solution than the rest.

Composite Resin

Dentists also use composite resin to treat white spots on teeth caused by enamel hypoplasia. Not only does it bond the tooth’s outer enamel, but it can also fill in cavities.

However, it can only generate the best results if you have very few white spots. Dentists don’t recommend this treatment method to those people who have a very large number of white blotches on their teeth.

Chin Straps

This treatment method is most suitable for those who have the habit of sleeping with their mouths open. It keeps your mouth closed while sleeping and prevents dehydration of teeth enamel.

Nasal Decongestants

Viral infections such as colds make it difficult to breathe from the nose, especially while sleeping, and your mouth opens up automatically.

In such a situation, taking a nasal decongestant just before going to bed comes in handy. It allows you to sleep comfortably with your mouth closed and prevents white spots by keeping your teeth enamel hydrated.

How to Prevent White Spots from Forming?

The best way to prevent white spots from forming in the first place is to follow good dental hygiene. It’ll also keep you from several gum diseases and tooth decay.

According to the ADA (American Dental Association), you must brush your teeth twice a day using toothpaste with fluoride. Flossing regularly is also as important as brushing your teeth. Here are some other tips that you can follow to prevent white spots.

Use Fluoride-Free Water

It’s especially important to young kids who are still developing their teeth. It’ll reduce the amount of fluoride they consume to prevent the formation of white spots. However, kids should also drink fluoride water in moderation because of its health benefits.

Using Fluoride Supplements

If you live in a place where you can’t find fluoridated water, consider using fluoride supplements. 

According to the ADA recommendations, kids less than 16 years of age should eat fluoride supplements if they don’t have access to naturally fluoridated water to prevent tooth decay.

Reduce Acidic and Sugary Foods

Soft drinks can damage your tooth enamel and can also lead to tooth decay. You should consume the following foods in less quantity to prevent white spots.

  • Citrus fruits and juices, including oranges, lemons, and grapefruit
  • Soft drinks with high sugar content, including sports drinks
  • Sugary sweets such as hard candy 

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