These Remedies Will Help You Restore Your Skin Color After Burn

These Remedies Will Help You Restore Your Skin Color After Burn

Burns can be incredibly painful and feel just as hard to look at. After they’ve damaged your skin, they leave a scar that lasts for a while and discolors the skin. No one likes to see their skin discolored and scarred, so we put together some remedies you can use to fix that.

Several things can be used to treat discoloration caused by burns. Some are natural while others are man-made, but all of them are effective.

Here’s how to restore skin color after a severe burn.

Topical Honey

Honey is great for a lot of things and healing scars is one of them. This is because it has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, and antibacterial properties.

But don’t take your jar of honey out of the pantry just yet!

Regular household honey won’t cut it. It’s recommended to use medical-grade honey that has been sterilized. This kind of honey has been approved for treating both first-degree and second-degree burns.

Once you have that sweet, sweet medical-grade honey in your hands, you should know that there are different ways to apply it to your skin. Here’s how you can use it:

  • When it’s added into a dressing
  • As a gel
  • As a paste

Honey promotes healing so it will increase the rate at which your skin repairs itself. As new cells are generated, discoloration will gradually fade.

Be sure to research the manufacturers before purchasing medical-grade honey. Some notable ones are:

  • Manuka Health
  • Activon
  • MelMax
  • Medihoney
  • L-Mesitran

Do as much research as you can and consult your doctor if you need any advice or recommendations. Ensure that the area is clean before you apply the honey and follow the directions on the package for how often to use the product.

Aloe Vera

These Remedies Will Help You Restore Your Skin Color After Burn - Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is another natural remedy that helps with skin discoloration. The aloin and aloesin naturally contained in the plant are what allows it to help with burn injuries. While aloin breaks up melanin that’s present in the skin, aloesin stops further melanin production. 

So as the aloe vera removes dark spots, it also prevents more from forming. Note that even though aloe vera has general healing properties, the main type of discoloration it treats is dark spots. Though we will discuss other remedies that treat other forms of color changes.

It’s best to use fresh aloe and apply it overnight before rinsing it off in the morning. Store-bought aloe works as well but it is less effective since it doesn’t always contain a lot of aloe. If you’re going to buy it from the store, be sure to get one that says it contains 100% aloe.

Keep It Covered

Sounds simple, right? It is, but it’s also very important for recovery and something that people tend to overlook or let slip from their minds.

Don’t let it slip yours!

Protecting your damaged skin after it has been burnt is a key part of the healing process. Burns can be caused by different factors (chemicals, sun exposure, touching something hot, electricity, etc.)  but this point rings true for all of them. Here’s why.

Your skin is very vulnerable after being burnt. A lot of skin cells have been destroyed but your body is deploying new ones to repair the damage. These fresh cells will also be destroyed if exposed to harsh conditions.

This includes abrasive surfaces or substances, dirt, and sunlight. Because your skin is quite sensitive after being burnt, avoiding sun exposure prevents further damage. It also prevents further discoloration.

Avoiding the sun is hard, but if you have to go out, try to do it during the cooler times of the day. Whenever you’re going out ensure that your burn is properly covered.

Based on the location, this can be hard to do for certain burns, but try it where you can. 

Your first line of defense should be a gauze bandage. Disinfect the wound if necessary, then place it over the affected area. The bandage protects the skin while also helping it heal.

Your next line of defense is protective clothing. Use tightly woven fabrics like denim or wool since they provide the best protection. Synthetic fabrics also provide greater protection than refined cotton or bleached fabrics.

The following also works great:

  • Dark clothing
  • loose-fitting clothes
  • Wide-brimmed hats (at least 3 inches)
  • Hats with neck flaps

If you want your skin to regain its color and not get darker, protecting it from the sun is necessary.

Prescription Creams

These Remedies Will Help You Restore Your Skin Color After Burn - Prescription Creams
These Remedies Will Help You Restore Your Skin Color After Burn – Prescription Creams

If you’re unable to get your hands on one of the organic options, then this could work for you. There are prescription creams that can treat discoloration and dark spots. To get these, you would need to speak with your dermatologist first.

Prescribed hydroquinone is great at treating hyperpigmentation on its own. It’s sometimes paired with skin lighteners so keep an eye out if that’s not something you want in a product..

Your dermatologist will know how to plan your treatment. You should follow up with them routinely so that they can monitor the progress of your condition. Other creams could be prescribed and they will present all the options to you.

The Heavy Duty Options

These options are for more drastic or problematic cases. This includes more severe damage, depigmentation (loss of color), and a higher degree of hyperpigmentation.

When you’re considering remedies for how to restore skin color after burn, you should decide based on the severity of the condition. The color changes from minor burns can be treated with honey or aloe, but severe damage can leave changes that won’t be so easily fixed.

For these cases, it’s best to speak with your dermatologist about surgical or laser treatment. They can either do a skin graft that matches your skin tone or uses lasers to stimulate healing in your skin. 


Being burnt can be scary. Whether it’s by a hot stove or a cup of coffee, none of us would want to experience that kind of searing pain. Neither do we want to live with the scars they leave behind.

With the remedies given above, you likely won’t have to. Honey and aloe are great natural healing agents that can help with discoloration.

Their chemical properties are geared towards reducing and preventing hyperpigmentation. Surgical procedures and laser treatment are good options for severe cases that can’t be easily fixed. Always consult your dermatologist for suitable options.

Once you choose the appropriate path, you should see positive changes.

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