Tips To Keep Your Skin Hydrated All Day Long

Tips To Keep Your Skin Hydrated All Day Long

Moisturizing your body in the morning is not enough, especially if you always find it dry at the end of the day. When this happens, it’s a sign that your body is dehydrated, and this could lead to flaky skin that is easily irritated. 

To have glowing and healthy skin all day long, you should take care of your body and provide it with all the essential care it needs. Here are some tips that will make your body glow. 

Use Gentle Cleansers

When you cleanse your body, you’re getting rid of all excess oils and dirt. Dead skin will be removed, making way for new healthy layers to appear. Your pores will have room to breathe. 

However, some cleansers are too harsh for the skin because they end up removing the excess oils and the natural oils your body produces, leaving you with dehydrated skin. Some cleansers may even damage the first few layers of your skin. 

Cleansers that contain sulphate, sodium, and/or fragrance are too strong for any skin type. These chemicals irritate the skin and lead to dryness.

Make sure to use a cleanser without any of these ingredients. 

Cleanse And Exfoliate Regularly 

To enjoy a healthier face and body, you should include cleansing and exfoliation in your daily and weekly routine. 

Understand your skin type to know how often you should cleanse and exfoliate your body. Those with oily or combination skin should cleanse their faces twice a day.

They also need to use a scrub twice a week to remove any trapped dirt or dead cells inside the pores. 

Exfoliating more than twice a week will only leave your skin irritated and damaged. 

On the other hand, skipping exfoliation will block the dead cells inside the pores, which will prevent new cells from forming, and any moisturizer or product used will not be absorbed. 

Use the Right Temperature In the Shower

Use the Right Temperature In the Shower

Taking long hot showers can be soothing for your mind, but it can be damaging for your skin.

Hot water serves as a harsh exfoliator that removes all oils from the body and causes surface-level damage. Your skin will stay dehydrated no matter how many products and moisturizers you apply. 

Lukewarm showers will prevent dryness and dehydration.

Create the Right Skin-Care Routine 

If you cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize your body but you can still feel the dryness, then your body is not absorbing the products you’re using. Before starting a skin-care routine, you should know how to hydrate your skin. 

Start by cleansing and applying an alcohol-free toner. Choose the ones that contain hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, glycerin, or ceramides.

Any of these ingredients will help freshen up your skin and retain moisture within the cells. 

For dry skin, use humectant serums after your toner to lock the water inside the cells. 

Apply your favorite moisturizer or cream and then end your routine with a layer of an oil of your choice.

Oils do not hydrate the body if it’s dry, but when applied after a moisturizer, it will prevent it from evaporating, providing you with fresh and healthy skin all day long. 

To get the best result, make sure to apply all the products to wet skin. 

Choose The Right Products For Your Skin Type

Choose The Right Products For Your Skin Type

When talking about skincare, know that each type is different. What can be hydrating for you can be irritating for another type. 

Sensitive skin cannot use normal scrubs, exfoliators, or lotions as they can cause rashes. They usually react to fragrances and chemicals.

If you have sensitive skin, you should get all-natural products to ensure that your body won’t react negatively. 

If you have dry skin, choose alcohol-free and fragrance-free products because these ingredients strip away all the water from the cells. Choose heavy-duty moisturizers to ensure that your skin absorbs them. 

For oily skin, using water-based products is the best option as they don’t contain any extra oils. Light moisturizers and creams will also provide you with the desired results. 

Hydrate Your Body 

Everything we eat and drink affects our skin, so you need to provide your body with the necessary nutrition. If your skin is always dry, you might need to consider the food and drinks you’re consuming.

Fruits and vegetables that are rich in water are great for your skin. Watermelons, cantaloupes, peaches, oranges, cucumbers, tomatoes, and lettuce will help your skin stay hydrated inside out. 

You can add any of these ingredients to your salad, or choose two or three of them and create a smoothie. 

Drinking enough water is an essential factor. If your body does not have enough water, it will start absorbing water from your skin cells, which causes dryness and flakiness.

Ensure that you drink enough water every day to keep your skin fresh and shiny. 

Invest In a Humidifier 

During winter, you will find that your skin needs more care. It’s mainly because the air is extremely dry, which affects our skin in many ways. 

Even people with oily skin may start to experience dryness and flaky skin during this season.

To prevent your skin from drying out, invest in a humidifier. It adds more humidity to the room, which will keep your body hydrated. 


If you want to maintain shiny and healthy skin all day long without having to reapply every couple of hours, then you should stick to a skin-care routine that matches your skin type.

Using the right products in the right order will keep your skin cells hydrated all day and prevent the water from evaporating during the day. 

Avoid harsh cleansers and products that contain alcohol or sulphate as they can damage your cells. 

Finally, make sure that your body is getting the needed nutrition and a well-balanced diet to keep your skin glowing all the time. 

Now that you have all the tips and tools to help you hydrate your skin effectively, you’ll see a noticeable change in the appearance of your skin. You’ll glow all year round.

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